Salvation Through Evangelism

A few months ago, while shopping, I heard two teenage girls talking. One of them asked, “ What do you want to be when you get grown?” The girl answered, “I want to be an evangelist so I can wear big pretty hats!” When you look at the word “evangelistic” you see the word “evangelist.” Now we all know that evangelists do more than just wear big hats!

Evangelists bring more than the reason why they should read their bible. They are to proclaim why Jesus was born, died, rose again on the third day, and will return again one day. He came so that we can repent of our sin and gain salvation!

So, how does the word evangelistic relate to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ? According to Strong’s Online Concordance (2209) evangelist comes from the Greek word “euaggelistes.” It means a “bringer of good news” or a “bearer of good tidings.” A missionary, teacher, preacher, gospeler or crusader can all be evangelists.


Evangelizing describes the work of looking for those who can be converted to Christianity. Sometimes it is used to describe meetings or services such as Christian crusades. Furthermore, it is used to describe the public speaking approach. For instance, preaching is called “evangelistic preaching.” And, Evangelizing is one of the giftings or callings on a person’s life.

The evangelistic ministry was very evident during Jesus ministry. New Testament authors of the Gospel according to Matthew, Mark, Luke and the Gospel according to John were evangelists. They are known as the Four Evangelists. Philip, who was one of the Apostles, was an evangelist. Acts Chapter 21 and verse 8 it states, “Philip the evangelist was one of the seven.” And, Timothy was an evangelist. In 2 Tim 4:5, Paul exhorts Timothy to “do the work of an evangelist.”

Women Evangelist

Several women in the Bible are believed to have had evangelistic call on their life. Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary Salome and other women who saw Jesus first after His resurrection are considered to be evangelists. Women who supported Paul’s ministry in Acts are viewed by some as evangelists. Additionally, some believe the “Woman at the Well” was an evangelist. She went and told everyone what He said after speaking with Jesus. She believed He was the Messiah. And, She is also referred to as the first “Gentile missionary.”

Evangelistic Anointing

The evangelistic anointing is still at work thousands of years later. Great Christian faith trailblazers were also turning the modern world upside down. God used Smith Wigglesworth, William J.Seymour, A.A. and more. And He used women Evangelists Maria Woodworth-Etter, Aimee Semple McPherson and Kathryn Kuhlman. Creative miracles occurred. Like at Pentecost, speaking tongues appeared. And, the power of the Holy Spirit changed lives.

Evangelistic Tools

Today, Christian broadcasting networks and Christian radio networks are being used as evangelistic tools. Supernatural events are seen all around the world. Missionary stories are heard throughout the nations. Godsent evangelists today include Dr. Morris Cerullo, Oral Roberts, Dr.Juanita Bynum, Benny Hinn, and Brian Carn. They share the good news to modern man.

How the evangelistic efforts of famous evangelists have affected your life and ministry? Share your comments and your testimonies.We look forward to reading them.

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©Vivian Caine – All Rights Reserved

Tags: Evangelism | evangelist | Holy Spirit

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