Azusa a Street Revival
Learn how or revisit the effects of the Azusa Street Revival on the worldwide body of Christ.
The Azusa Street Revival is one of the world’s largest modern-day global Christian movements. On April 9, 1906, William J. Seymour, started a Pentecostal explosion. And, it is in the city of Los Angeles, California. He is disciplined by Charles Parham, a black preacher. The news traveled like wildfire about the Holy Ghost meeting or “Azusa Street Revival. ” Firemen are called because distant neighbors thought they saw fire around the building.
Supernatural Revival
The Azusa Street Revival services are almost a replay of Pentecost in Acts chapter 2 verses 1 through 21. As a matter of fact, unexpected and unexplained supernatural events occurred during this anointed Pentecostal revival meeting. Miraculous healing and deliverance are experienced. The sound of speaking in tongues and the interpretation of tongues are heard. There are sounds of thunderous clapping, spontaneous singing, and “dancing in the spirit.” Testimonies are given. Teaching and preaching on the love and the blood of Jesus is heard. Moreover, altar calls were subject to happen at any time during the service. Services were held many hours, days, and nights.
Strong Faith
The blessings from the Revival contributed to many things. Seymour believed in fasting, prayer, and living a lifestyle of holiness. He followed, preached, and taught principles from the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. William J. Seymour was a man of strong faith. He believed in making demands on God’s Word. In the meetings, he did whatever Jesus Christ said we could do. Miracles were worked through the power of the Holy Ghost. People were delivered. Jesus also gave us power over sickness and disease. People are healed and the love of Jesus Christ is shared. In spite of Jim Crow and hate groups, people of all colors and economic backgrounds began to worship and praise God, together.
Revival on Azusa Street
Some referred to their practices as “strange behavior.”
On the other hand, not everyone is happy about the Azusa Street Revival. Critics were everywhere. Nonbelievers thought they were acting “out of character.” Some refer to their practices as “strange behavior.” In the spiritual sense, they were acting “out of character.” They were “new creatures” or new characters “in Christ.”
The Revival Mission experienced conflict from within. Changing the name to “Apostolic Faith Mission” caused dissatisfaction. Also, Seymour’s marriage to Jennie Evans Moore, a faithful member, was not accepted by all. The mission secretary fell in love with Seymour. She stole his national and international lists. Furthermore, his global outreach was crippled.
Doctrinal disagreements began to occur during the movement. There are misunderstandings about “tarrying” and “tongues.” Seymour’s doctrine of “after sin, no salvation” was questioned. William H. Durham preached the opposite of Seymour’s sin and salvation doctrine. They never came to an agreement.
William J. Seymour’s Azusa Street Revival is still evident, today. Several denominations, such as the Assembly of God, the Church of God in Christ, the Pentecostal Holiness Church, and the United Holiness Church. The Church of God, Pentecostal Church of God, and Pentecostal Assemblies of the World are influenced by the Pentecostal beliefs of William Seymour. Millions of Pentecostal and charismatic Christians are all over the world.
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