Bow Down and Worship Him

Worship Works! Bow down and worship Him! Recorded by Bishop Paul Morton, Bow Down and Worship Him, is a best seller in Gospel Music, today. King David, a worshipper, too, said it like this, “O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.”

(Psalms 95: 6).  As a Christian, learn how bowing to the Lord relates to worship.

What does “worship” mean in the song Bow Down and Worship Him? The word “worship” in English means worth and scip(ship). Worth means worth. Scip(ship) means quality. Proskuneo or proskyneo is Greek for worship. It means to throw a kiss. In Hebrew, shachah is used for worship. Shachah means to bow, stoop, crouch or kneel. Worship is used as a Christian music term and is an attitude of the heart. “Create in me a clean heart O God…” (Ps. 51:10).

Bow down and worship Him, with or without music.

  • Do it with or without words.
  • Talking or thinking about the goodness of Jesus is worship
  • Singing gospel music can be worship
  • Soaking or scriptural meditation is another form of worship
  • Slow instrumental praise/worship music is good for soaking in His presence
  • Fasting, giving and our lifestyle are forms of worship
  • Worship can be as simple as sitting quietly

Prayer and Worship

A great subject for Sunday sermons could be about Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. He was struggling with the storm of His life. In Matthew 26:36, He told His disciples, “Sit here while I go over there to pray.” Prayer is worship. Jesus worshipped on the cross. “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34).

Sometimes, gestures are used to bow down and worship Him. Gestures are sometimes used in Christianity today, Judaism and other religions. They can be used in public and personal devotion. In the Old Testament, there are 11 gestures of worship. Some of those gestures are still being used today. For example, bowing is a worship or prayer gesture.

Honor God

David had to bow down and worship God and King Saul. Bowing is used to show homage, submission or honor to God or kings. “Then David said to the assembly, “Now bless the LORD your God.” And all the assembly blessed the LORD, the God of their fathers, and bowed low and did homage to the LORD and to the king.” (I Chronicles 29:20). There are 6 ways to bow, physically.

  1. Stand. Place your hands on your abdomen. Bow your head.
  2. Stand. Bow your head. Place your hands on your abdomen. Bend your waist, slightly.
  3. Place 1 hand on your abdomen and the floor. Bend, slightly. Bow your head.
  4. Let your hands and feet touch the floor. Bend your knees, slightly. Bow your head.
  5. Kneel. Place forehead and hands on the floor. Let your arms touch the floor.
  6. Prostrate, fully or lie flat. Extend hands above head or out to sides like a cross.

The word “prostrate” is in the Bible at least 256 times. Isaac prostrated himself before marrying Rebekah.

“…I bowed and prostrated myself to Jehovah, and blessed Jehovah.” (Gen,24:48).

You may choose to bow down and worship Him without a physical position. You can bow within your heart by praying to God from your heart without speaking. Or, “make melody with your hearts to the Lord.” (Ephesians 5:19). Dr. Billy Graham stated, “….God hears our prayers….whether we’re praying out loud or praying silently in our hearts and minds.” The heart position is more important than the position of the body. “Man looketh on the outward outward appearance…the LORD looketh on the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7).

Did someone say benefits? Supernatural favor is gained when you bow down and worship Him. Your worship gives God pleasure. He rewards worship. If you honor God, he honors you. When you love on Him, He loves you back. “Delight yourself in the Lord, He will give you the desires of your heart.” (Ps. 37:4). Something Inside So Strong takes place in worship. A“peace that surpasseth all understanding” happens in worship. There’s joy in the midst of sorrow. Worship gives you hope for tomorrow “Weeping may endure for a night, joy cometh in the morning.” (Ps. 30:5).

Faith of Abraham

You are prepared to meet challenges when you bow down and worship Him. God put Abraham through a test. Abraham was preparing to give his son, Isaac, as an offering. He stated, “…I and the lad will go yonder and worship and come again to you.” (Genesis 22:5).  Abraham passed the worship test of loyalty. God rewarded Abraham’s allegiance and surrender. God said, “Do not lay a hand on the boy.” (Gen. 22:12).God provided the lamb in the bush and Abraham then returned home with his son. Today, Abraham has billions of sons. God said,  “I will give you a lot of descendants, and in the future, they will become great nations.” (Gen. 17:6).

Creative miracles can take place when you bow down and worship Him. Sermons for kids and adults tell about Jesus calming the Sea of Galilee. Jesus disciples faith increased after they had woke Jesus and He told the storm to be still. “Peace Be Still” can still work today. If you worship during stormy weather, you can come out singing. Bishop Paul Morton recorded, “I’m Still Standing” after Hurricane Katrina.

When you bow down and worship Him, faith can be activated. In other words, as recorded Bishop Paul S. Morton, Something Happens. Worship can energize your faith and faith can move mountains or calm storms. “If the storms don’t cease,” worship could be an anchor. “If the winds keep on blowing in your life,” worship can be a spiritual life-jacket. Go, ahead. Faith it. The winds and the waves still obey His will. Can’t see His hand in your storm?  Say, “God I love You.” “God, I trust you.” Watch out now! Worship excites God. “When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him. (Isaiah 59:19).

When you bow down and worship him, you are able to access passage into a very Important place. Worship can escort you into the “Secret Place” of the Highest God. He awaits your arrival. There, you can Love on and sing to Him, He is the lover of your Soul. Dance or waltz into His Awesome Presence. Bask in the “sweet perfume” of His glory as you give yourself away. O the Glory of His Presence as you Stand on Holy Ground. This is just the beginning. The Best is Yet to Come.  So, get ready to get your worship on. “….praise is comely for the upright. (Ps. 33:1). Look at ya!  Worship looks good on you. You wear it worship well.

I hope you enjoyed reading the article as much as I enjoyed writing it.  Share your comments, I would love to hear from you. Visit us at to be inspired by sermon videos, listen to gospel music or watch some Christian movies. Visit our Faith Shop for Walk By Faith greeting cards and prints. Don’t forget to like us on Facebook at Kingdoms Network Christian Broadcasting. Until next time, God Bless You!

©Minister Vivian H. Caine – All Rights Reserved


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