Christian Network Television
A Christian television network is so much more than what it used to be. With so much of the earth’s population surfing the web these days, the Internet is quickly becoming the “TV.” Even the cable companies are losing customers daily because everyone is on the Internet. People want to watch what they want to watch when they want. And this is why the Internet has become so popular. The Internet has exploded since Covid 19 and continues to do so.
Sharing the Gospel
Kingdoms Network Christian Broadcasting was created for everyone who lives for Christ. Where we can come together as one to exalt, glorify and magnify our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We come to share the gospel, the Truth and goodness of our Father in Heaven. How He is using His servants around the world through video. Or, bringing a prophetic word through His prophets. And, encouraging and inspiring our youth in Christ to pursue their calling. KNCB.org provides valuable information concerning events and teachings on how to become a Christian entrepreneur. You will find all this and more on our Christian television network.
I am sure there are a lot of people that still remember when television was “free” to watch. It was supported mainly by the commercial ads. Not to mention which were very expensive and still are. Ads during the Olympics and Superbowl can be in the millions of dollars. With that being said, the Internet makes advertising much more affordable.
Christian Broadcast Network
Our Christian television network at KNCB.org has a lot to offer. Christians today can take advantage of affordable advertising for their businesses and products on a Christian television network. We provide an up-to-date, mobile friendly website where you and your family can watch free Christian movies online. The King David movie and many other gospel films are available for your viewing pleasure 24/7.
Inspirational Christian Video
Although the Internet provides a lot of information and is a great source for entertainment, parents need to use wisdom when allowing their children to surf the net. Many video-on-demand websites allow uploads of subjects that are not good for our children. Or ours, for that matter. That’s why our Christian television network here at KNCB.org was created for everyone who needs inspiring. And, for anyone else who wants to watch wholesome and inspirational Christian videos.
Not only do we provide the best Christian videos such as Christian food being prepared by Christian chefs, you can watch missionary stories. Or sermon videos, praise and worship videos. You can get also get the latest Christian news from around the world. Here at KNCB.org you will be able to find anything from Christian entertainment to miracle crusades. You decide what your spirit needs at any time of the day.
Christian Channels
Our Christian television network offers affordable advertising. At KNCB.org we have a network of Christian channels, such as Godsent TV and Say Amen, where your ad banner or video ad can be seen by our viewers. If your are a church, outreach ministry, Christian business or artist that has video and are looking for a Christian broadcasting network to manage video, KNCB.org can provide a video playlist at a very reasonable cost. And one of the best things about it, we are a Christian television network, based, owned and operated.
It’s time for the Christian body to take a stand, stop hiding our heads in the sand. Get on board and take advantage of the resources that are right in front of us. This is time of open doors. You have to willing to walk through it. Maybe you are a Christian author or Christian songwriter, Christian entrepreneur or Christian business owner. The bible says in
Matthew 13:33 “The Kingdom of Heaven is like the yeast a woman used in making bread. Even though she put only a little yeast in three measures of flour, it permeated every part of the dough.”
Share the Gospel
It’s time for the body of Christ to be like the yeast and permeate the world with the love of Jesus Christ. We are on this earth to be like Jesus and share the gospel so that none perish. So, if the Lord has been speaking to your heart to take the next step, walk through the door. Begin writing that book, recording your songs, get that next sermon on video for the world to watch. Donate your time and skills, expertise and experience to help further the Kingdom of God. Sow the seed and watch God bless you. It’s not about money it’s about blessing others with what God has given you to share. Be a blessing and be about our Father’s business.
For more information on how you can become a partner with our Christian television network, email us at info@kncb.org.
Be Blessed!
©Minister Gail Walls – All Rights Reserved
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