Jerusalem Holy Land
The modern city of Jerusalem Holy Land today is home to more than 800 thousand people. There are over 8 million people living in Israel. The Jewish population is around 75%. During the time that Jesus was alive in the flesh, there were approximately 20 to 50 thousand living in Jerusalem.
Jerusalem History
Jerusalem, the Holy Land, is home to the Jewish people. The history and culture is rich and diverse and is not necessarily a religion but consist of both practices and beliefs. The Holy Land is where major events took place in the Holy bible thousands of years ago. More supernatural events will occur during the second coming of Christ. It is where Jesus and His Christian disciples walked and many creative miracles took place. Where King David reigned and ruled over the people. And where his son built the King Solomon Temple.
The Holy Land experience should be on the top of your Christian tours “to do” list. Jerusalem Holy Land will give you an even greater revelation of the scriptures in the bible. You will be able to reference actual landmarks with certain passages. There will be Christian crusades taking place, so be sure to attend at least one while you are there.
Visiting Jerusalem Holy Land during pilgrimages will make your Holy Land experience more memorable. Biblical holidays or events draw people from around the world. What better reason is there for people to come together from around the world than to reverence our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. To see where He walked, talked and ministered to the people.
Here are some suggestions when visiting Jerusalem Holy Land:
- Wailing wall or Western Wall – the only remaining wall of the first temple built in Jerusalem.
- Church of the Holy Sepulchre – this is said to be the site where Jesus was crucified.
- Via Dolorosa (Way of Sorrow) – the path that Jesus walked as He bared the cross.
- Chapel of the Flagellation – where Jesus was flogged after being condemned.
- Church of St. John the Baptist – the oldest church in Jerusalem
- Mount of Olives – is the place believed that God will raise the dead on Judgement day.
- East Jerusalem – where the Garden tomb of Jesus is.
There are so many more sights that you will want to visit during your Jerusalem Holy Land tour. Be sure to do your homework and prepare a list for your Christian travel guide or Christian tour package. Research the time of year for appropriate clothing that you will need. Plan your Jerusalem Holy Land tour in detail so that you don’t miss out on anything. Be sure and send us a postcard!
Holy Land Video
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