Judgement Upon America

Judgment Upon America’s Prophetic Word

Prepare yourselves for there’s a judgement upon America. “I, the Lord have seen it with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears. Even my Holy anointed angels have seen it, as they saw in the days of ancient, yes the day of Noah.” “The end is near and these are the last days,” saith the Lord. So-called Christians are being tested as Peter was tested, on the spot you will be tested if you really are standing with I, the Lord. Many will deny me openly on the air before millions because they lack the foundation of my words. There’s a judgement upon America, you have not obeyed my word and my word gives life.

Choose Life

Out of Love for you, I gave you a choice and told you to choose life, but you chose death. Deuteronomy 30:19 “I call heaven and earth as witness today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live.” Hear the word of the Lord, judgement upon America is at hand.

You have provoked me to anger. Proverbs 1:22 “How long will you simple ones, will you love simplicity?” You can not run a country off of man’s simple wisdom, but only with my divine wisdom. My Wisdom came to you and you pushed it away. My wisdom was even before the earth was even created. There’s a judgement upon America.

Proverbs 1:24 “Because I have called and you refuse, I have stretched out my hand and no one regarded,” Proverbs 1: 25 “Because you disdained all my counsel, and would have none of my rebuke,” Proverbs 1:26 “I also laugh at your calamity, I will mock when your terror comes,” Proverbs 1:27 “When your terror comes like a storm, and your destruction comes like a whirlwind When distress and anguish come upon you.” There’s a judgement upon America, America. I the Lord have been very good to you, but you have hated my knowledge.

The Spirit of Lack of Knowledge

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge. I also will reject you as I rejected Saul. Now troubling Spirits are released on the Earth and they will have their way with you. There’s truly judgement upon America.

These curses will affect your man-made systems that are a major support for your way of life in ways you cannot fathom. You will try to maneuver yourself out of the pits you have fallen in, however, the wisdom you will try to use to recover yourself will fail you over and over. Don’t look towards your doctors or your highly intelligent-minded circle, their wisdom will fail them too. You will grow to have fear when you fly from one place to another. There’s a judgement upon America.


As you have sanctioned other countries for rebellious acts, I too will sanction America for your rebellious acts. Your credit will fail with other countries, your communication with other countries will fail you, and imports and exports will fail you. You will be reminded of The Great Depression. (1929-39) Because you did not obey my word. There’s a judgement upon America.

Your dreams and visions of success will fail you because you did not work within my will. Some will say “Ha, Ha, Ha, God is not real.”  Psalm 14:1 “The fool has said in his heart, there is no God.” They are corrupt. They have done abominable works, none does good.” Your hearts have deceived you. A deceitful heart starts from the top of government to every unGodly household, you did not put I, the Lord first, but you made me last. Things look good now, but a manifestation of evil will manifest itself.  Judgement upon America is at hand.

A Wicked Heart

You have been tricked by the evil of your heart and the pride and vanity of your heart. This has caused me to be provoked to anger. “Vanity, Vanity all is vanity,” saith the Lord. “You think the marriage of the same sex is a marriage, but it is not covenanted to me in the Spirit, for I am Spirit God,” saith the Lord. I created man and woman and this is my order. I am the Lord, for I do not change.

The bed may have white sheets as your natural eyes see it, but in the spirit, the sheets are stained in filth and full of bugs and worms when two of the same sex lie together. Only my Prophets can see in this realm. You run to sin as a dog runs back to his own vomit. Judgement upon America has been released because of the wrong choice.

True Seekers of Jesus Christ

“Because you have not gone backward and have followed my Heart, you are truly covered under my Son Jesus’ blood. Prepare yourself to see the wicked destroyed, fear not for I am with you. Many of the wicked will say, “How could God let this happen to me?” They are not my children and not of the Kingdom of God for they are of the children of Satan. Rebellious people. The tables have changed, now my true seekers will be set over the nations and Kingdoms for my Glory and the wicked will know that you are called by my name, the Lord your God.

For your obedience and faithfulness, doors have opened and you have entered into a season of blessings for the judgement upon America will not affect you. I will manifest healing in your bodies and I will cause you to be upheld by my right hand. Many will need to come off their job and be covered by new management that has a very strong prayer life and is covered under the blood of Jesus. Pray before flying on an airplane, God will let you know when it’s safe to fly, you will feel peace about flying.”

Apostle Sheraton Walls

Tags: judgment on America | lack of knowledge | prophetic word

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