5229Upload Your MP4 Video on Demand Sermons to KNCB

Upload MP3 Audio Sermons
Church leaders, Bishops, Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Teachers, and Pastors. Take control of your destiny by contacting our sales team and start a group page today! It’s easy to upload your ministry, MP3 audio sermon teachings for your group members. Create a following by inviting members and friends to register for their own free personal profile in the community with our free, “invite someone,” tool. Next, invite them to join your group. Church members can also invite their family and friends to register and join the group as well.
Bishops, Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Teachers, Pastors and Christians who have MP3 audio sermons, songs, teachings, etc., can upload their MP3’s (5 GB) to their group page for $40 per month. All accounts will be on a recurring basis through Paypal. Bandwidth and hosting are included for small to medium churches. For additional storage and bandwidth for large churches, contact sales.
- Ministry leaders will register to create a personal profile page in the Christian community at KNCB.org.
- Next, contact sales to start a group page.
- Invite church members, family, friends to register in the community for their own free personal profile
- Create a gallery and upload your MP3 files.
- Upload MP3 sermons, teachings or songs to your group page.
MP3 Audio Sermons
Digital recordings, MP3 audio sermons, has had and will continue to have, a huge impact on how people listen to the Word of God. Do you remember when your parents use to listen to their favorite Preacher on the radio? Your MP3 recordings can reach your audience online with ease. Just like the radio used to.
It is important to get those MP3 audio sermons online to your members. A group page where members can listen to your teachings and sermons. Where they can stay connected and share the love of Jesus Christ.
The Christian Community at KNCB.org provides a safe environment for Bishops, Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Teachers and Pastors alike. A great place to share MP3 audio sermons and fellowship with their members while creating a following.
Christian Online Store
Turn your MP3s into an online store today! Easy as 1, 2, 3. Yes, your members can purchase and download your MP3s online at KNCB. A great way to create additional funding for your ministry.
Get started today! Contact Sales at info@kncb.org 910-599-3700

- Free Profile
- Private Group Page in Community
- Invite Friends
- Document Upload
- MP3 Player
- Vendors Online Store, Up to Five Products
- 5 GB Storage