What are creative miracles? Creative miracles are tangible supernatural events created by God for man’s care. They make up God’s “health care plan” for a man who has several “no-cost” benefits. God sent His Son with our packet. He paid for it with his blood. As a result, heaven has extras for what we need on earth with access to physical, spiritual, and emotional wholeness. Therefore, we have an abundant life policy. Since Eden, God has wanted the best for us.
Instant Miracles
As a matter of fact, creative miracles are recorded in the Bible. There are about 70 in the Old Testament. God used Moses, Elisha, and Elijah to perform “instant miracles.” Almost 40 happened during Jesus’ Ministry. Creative miracles are described in the Acts of the Apostles. God used Peter, Paul, Barnabas, Philip, John, Ananias, Stephen, and the Holy Spirit. The creative and healing anointing was definitely present. So how do these two anointings differ?
Creative miracles happen in an instant. They happen “right then and right there” before you know it! However, healing can be a process. It is time-oriented and can involve a recovery period and wisdom. You will get better with time. In the Book of Mark Chapter 16 verse 18, Jesus said,
…. they (the sick) shall recover.” Recovery involves rehabilitation and convalescence
Creative miracles are present in Christianity today. “And these signs shall follow them that believe…..”(Mark 16:17) Today, Christian disciples can do what Jesus and His disciples did. The Great Global Commission is still here.
Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth shall be saved: but he that believeth not shall be damned.”(Mark 16: 15-16). Salvation is a universal package deal. It is available everywhere. It is available for everyone.
Listen to sermon audio about scriptures in the bible that pertain to creative miracles. Also, a free Christian movie will give you a greater understanding and insight into the promises of God.
Miraculous Healing
Meanwhile, anyone can experience creative miracles if they believe. Always repent of any known or unknown sin. Be filled with God’s Spirit. Be sincere and create an atmosphere of glory through worship. Sing or play Christian worship songs. Dance. Pray, speak in tongues. Worship Him! Acknowledge God as the Creator of all things and as the Creator of what you need in your body, mind, and spirit. Confess the Word with your tongue. Remind God of what He said you could have. Command the condition, sickness, or ailment to leave in the Name of Jesus. As a matter of fact, speak your creative miracle into existence! “Call those things that be not as though they were.” Finally, thank God for your miraculous healing. Testify about His goodness and His promises!
Testimonies of Creative Miracles
Creative miracles not only happened hundreds and thousands of years ago. Miracles happen every single day around the world. And, you can be the next person to receive a creative miracle. Seek the Lord with all your heart, mind, and soul. Believe in faith that Jesus is the Son of God and that He came to set us free from all disease and sickness. The word of God says in Isaiah 53:5
“But He was wounded for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The chastisement for our peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes, we are healed.”
As a matter of fact, a revival in Los Angeles, California is a prime example of miracles happening in America. The exciting testimonies of creative miracles continued after the Azusa Street Revival. “It’s not there anymore!” It’s gone! I can’t believe it!” And, speaking in tongues still exists today. In Addition, severe skin conditions disappeared. Eardrums were recreated. Cancer was healed and tumors dissolved. Dead eyes become new. Metal, screws, and pins in the body disappeared.
As a matter of fact, backs were straightened and the brain-dead were resurrected. The revival continued for nearly a decade! Want to see more examples of creative miracles? Watch a free online family-friendly version of the “Jesus Christ Movie” at KNCB.ORG.
Also, watch Sunday sermons to hear about the supernatural healings that Jesus and the disciples performed in the Bible. And, share your testimonies about how a creative miracle has changed your life. Contact us today for more information on how you can join the community and partner with us at info@kncb.org.
©Vivian Caine – All Rights Reserved
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