IMAGE WITH Supernatural Events WRITTEN ON IT

Supernatural Events

Believe it or not, supernatural events are happening all the time. In fact, we live in a naturally, “supernatural” world! Learn more about a few events that happened when Jesus was on the Earth. Check this out!

Supernatural Happenings

So, you ask, what are supernatural events and what is the purpose? First, let’s look at the word “supernatural.” The word refers to happenings or actions. Supernatural is a force not subject to natural laws. Therefore, supernatural events are unexplained acts of God. God’s ways and thinking are way above ours. Think about it! They can not be explained by human or scientific knowledge. The purpose of supernatural events is four-fold, being:

  1. To confirm that we are Godsent
  2. To prove that Jesus was the Son of God.
  3. Judgment.
  4. To bring glory to God.

Supernatural Miracles

There are three kinds of supernatural events. Designed by God Miracles, signs and wonders are supernatural and are for man’s well-being. Many miracles happened during the Azusa Street Revival. William Seymour, a Pentecostal preacher, was born to former slaves in Centerville, Louisiana. Reverend Seymour was one of the preachers that God used for His glory. He found an old abandoned, African Methodist Episcopal church on Azusa Street. It had recently been used as a warehouse and stable. People began speaking in “tongues. “There were testimonies of growth and new body parts appeared within seconds!

Many events, considered supernatural, were witnessed and experienced during the Azusa Street meeting. People actually said they saw a building on fire from a distance. As a matter of fact, neighbors even contacted the local fire department. But, there was no smell or fire. The only fire burning was the “fire of the Holy Ghost.”

Holy Laughter

Supernatural events or “wonders” are “God’s surprises.” They surprise you and make you wonder. According to Tommy Welchel, the shekinah glory of God appeared in a Yukon, Oklahoma church meeting.  Here’s what happened. First, an orange-colored substance filled the sanctuary. Second, all of a sudden, spontaneous holy laughter filled the place. God’s joy of laughter was in the building.  The Pastor of the youth ministry was laughing in the spirit too!

Real Supernatural Events

Fortunately, thousands of years before Azusa, supernatural events happened. It was during the times of the Old and New Testament in the bible. Here are just some of the real supernatural events recorded that took place

  • People lost weight and gained weight
  • Supernatural dentistry was performed
  • Surgical screws and tumors left their body
  • Hair grew back.
  • Cleft lips and hook noses disappeared
  • Cripples walked
  • The paralyzed moved
  • The dumb spoke
  • Deaf ears could hear
  • Blind eyes were opened

The more we pray, the better the relationship we have with our Lord. God’s anointed people, who are called to ministry, are used to show Himself to be mighty! The Book of Acts is full of them. In fact, there is nothing too hard for the Lord.

Notably, over one hundred supernatural happenings were recorded that occurred in the Old Testament.  The first was “God’s miracle of creation.”, Biblical events took place during the wilderness ministry of Moses. Furthermore, miracles were worked through the prophets, Elijah and Elisha. The supernatural is nothing new. As a matter of fact, many people from all over the world have seen or experienced great healing. Not to mention deliverance, wonders, signs, and miracles. The Lazarus movie will give you a taste of just one instance of a Pastor coming back to life at a Rinehard Bonnke crusade.

The Miracles of Jesus

Jesus Christ was anointed to perform supernatural events. Over 30 miracles are performed during Jesus’ Ministry 

Supernatural miracles of the Bible include:

Additionally, Apostle Paul, Phillip, Peter, and Stephen were used in the area of miracle-working. In brief, supernatural events are still seen today.

We will see even more as Jesus’ return gets closer. Watch Christian videos about recent happenings and supernatural events that are to come. Visit us at for free online Christian movies, such as the Revelation Movie that explains the scripture more in detail. Please share your experiences or give a testimony about your personal life, church, ministry, or business.

©Vivian Caine – All Rights Reserved

Tags: healing | miracles | supernatural

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