Good News About The Gospel
The gospel of Jesus Christ is the gospel of “good news.” In the Greek New Testament, the word “gospel” means “good news.” The good news is – God loves you! His love for you is all wrapped up in the birth of Christ, the ministry of Jesus, the death of Jesus Christ, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. All in all, the world’s most powerful message is the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Four Gospels
The understanding of the gospel is to know that it is a message about God’s “unconditional love” for you. It is found in the life and teachings of Jesus. God sent His Son and called Him Jesus. “Christ” in Greek, means the “chosen one” or “the anointed one.” God chose and anointed His Son with Holy Ghost power. It is known as the “anointing.”
Luke 24:49″And behold, I am sending forth the promise of My Father upon you; but you are to stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high.”
It gives new life to those who are lost and dying in their sins. His sacrifice made the way for eternal salvation for all mankind. Repentance is critical when surrendering your heart to Jesus. That same life-changing and life-giving power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is still alive today. Evangelists such as Benny Hinn and Rinehart Bonnke help spread the Gospel of Jesus around the world today.
Gospel Media of Jesus Christ
Gospel media is all around you. Learning about the gospel of Jesus Christ is at your fingertips. Download gospel media in the form of videos and sermon audio podcasts. Media allows you to see and hear Christian sermons, bible teaching, and gospel music. In turn, this will add to your learning about the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Gospel Message of Jesus
When listening to gospel music online, gospel lyrics are tools that can also increase your understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Listen to find out what the song is really saying. You will be amazed at the learning that will take place when you become lyric-focused. If you get caught up in the beat you’ll miss the message.
The main thing is the message. Listen to Christian gospel music artists online. Some of the most liked country gospel songs or songs with southern gospel lyrics by Bill and Gloria Gaither have stories behind the music. Also, Shirley Caesar is famous for telling stories using lyrics in her songs. Remember, songs are poems or stories, first. Surely, the lyrics are the most impacting part of the song. They carry a message of Jesus Christ. For example, I’m quite sure you still remember the famous Christian hymn “Yes, Jesus Loves Me.” Originally written by an American author, Anna Bartlett Warner, as a children’s poem. It was set to music and became a famous gospel hymn. To clarify, it’s a message that really tells about the unconditional love of Jesus for you.
For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. Habakkuk 2:14
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