Apostolic Ministry
The Apostolic ministry is a Christian Pentecostal denomination. The Apostolic Church originated between 1904-1905. It believes that the death of Jesus Christ and the resurrection was the atonement for the sins of the world. And, the nine gifts of the spirit are given by the Holy Spirit.
(1 Cor 12:1; 8-11) “Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant:
…for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit. To another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit. And to another faith by the same Spirit. Also, to another, gifts of healing by the same Spirit. Working of miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits, and different kinds of tongues. Last but not least, is the interpretation of tongues.
But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills.” In addition, these nine gifts are given to serve others as the Holy Spirit instructs us.
- Wisdom is the principal thing.
- Knowledge is a supernatural revelation of facts not learned naturally.
- Faith is to believe without doubt.
- Gifts of healing is a supernatural gift to remove disease from the spirit, soul, and body.
- The working of miracles is a supernatural manifestation of miracles.
- Prophecy is giving a word that God has brought to mind.
- Discerning spirits is the heightened ability to judge between good and evil.
- Divers kinds of tongues is a heavenly language not naturally acquired.
- Interpretation of tongues is the translation of the language not naturally acquired.
Apostolic Anointing
The Apostolic Ministry is very active around the world today. Those who have a call to ministry and have an Apostolic anointing will commission others to go. Just like Jesus’ Ministry did with His twelve Christian disciples. As a result, an Apostolic ministry flows in the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit. Supernatural events take place because of the Apostolic anointing. This is given to God’s servants for the people. You will know you are called to an Apostolic ministry in your heart. How? Someone else will confirm the calling on your life. And, you will be set apart in order to be used by God for His purpose. Furthermore, you will know it in your spirit that God is calling you to a higher calling.
Remember the Azusa Street Revival? Some of the same Jesus miracles were witnessed. Blind eyes were opened and the deaf began to hear. Christ’s teachings told us:
John 14:12 “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.”
Disciples of Jesus
The fame of Jesus and the Apostles spread like wildfire throughout the towns and villages in Israel. Faith and the gifts of healing were revealed as they worked in the gifts of creative miracles. There are still many anointed men and women of God used to cast out demons and raise the dead. Furthermore, some have a supernatural deliverance ministry. All this is done to bring glory to God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
For more information on Supernatural events and the Apostolic ministry, visit out our website here at KNCB.org. Watch the Jesus Christ movie and see Jesus’ Disciples perform miracles. Email us for more information on how to get your own video playlist. Or register and get started networking in our Christian community at: info@kncb.org. today!
Be Blessed,
©Minister Gail Walls – All Rights Reserved
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