Sermon Audios on Revelation
Revelation sermon audios help pull back the curtain to view the apocalyptic vision given to Apostle John with clarity. The talk of end times seems to be crossing the lips of every Christian these days. Although no one knows the exact time of the second coming of Christ, signs of the end-times-season are beginning to appear in alarming numbers. No one knows the hour.
Matthew 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
The Second Coming of Jesus Through Revelation
Revelation sermon audios provides a detailed look as to what every man, woman, and child can expect as the season nears for the return of Jesus. Furthermore, Jesus described the end-time difficulties in the book of Luke. Jesus states in Luke 21:28 that we are told to “stay alert” and “watchful” for the second coming of the savior
“But when these things begin to come to pass, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws nigh.”
The events coming that will cause many to tremble with fear provide hope and joy at the thought of the Lord returning to gather up his people from the four corners of the earth.
Are End Times In Sight?
An increase of darkness and chaos is evident in every nation. Natural disasters, financial crises, broken marriages, wayward children, and shrinking faith seem the standard way of life. Combining Revelation sermon audio and End Time Signs audio sermons will help lay the foundations of knowledge needed to safely guide you and your family through this tumultuous time.
A Time for Revival and Winning Souls
You will love the heartwarming vision relayed to Apostle John. Hence, results of the most significant revival can be found by listening to Revelation sermon audios. Multitudes of all nationalities are standing by the throne who are washed pure by the blood of Jesus and gathered from the world out of the Great Tribulation. Feel energized and empowered by the revival sermons that are designed to keep believers focused. Most of all, the importance of eternal salvation. Especially relevant is how the topic of Revelation makes for great audio sermons for Evangelists.
Jesus declared John as the Apostle he “loved.” It does not mean he felt no love for the others. He understood the depth of John’s love. Furthermore, Jesus knew he was the right one to reveal the toughest visions of what was to come. Jesus knew the difficulties needed to balance with incredible love. As a result, Revelation sermon audio demonstrates the ability of John to impart the warnings. Done in a way that leaves no doubt that Jesus loves you.
Revelation 1:5 And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,
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Audio sermons and video on demand can be created by men and women of God with ease. Because all you need is a recording device. Utilizing a Smartphone is easy, affordable, and works perfectly! To help remove background sounds, our audio repair services can get the job done quickly. KNCB is a Christian platform designed specifically for all Christians. Why? Because we have to reach the lost souls using tools that are readily available. And, the Internet is the place where we can accomplish this task together for the Kingdom of God. Register and join the community now.
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